Lost my first deer ever this year on a shoulder shot. I thought the shot was great. I usually shoot right behind the shoulder but it still looked good.

2013 Hoyt Carbon Element @ 60lbs
Rage Hypodermics Broadhead

She came in perfect broadside at 15 yards. I make this shot 100/100 times in my sleep. I saw that the arrow was sticking way out and knew right away I was in trouble.

Arrow didn't go through her shoulder blade. It was a light rain and I found the arrow 30 yards away. It was broke off 2 inches behind the broad head. There was a small amount of blood on the arrow with some hair.

Three off us (all very experienced trackers) looked for her for over 5 hours that night and again the next morning for another 3 hours. We never even found a drop of blood or another hair anywhere.

I got a GSP a few weeks later that is a great deer tracker. Sure wished I had her that night though.