Originally Posted By: TurningTwo
Sorry, but RR was landing the majority of those blows. She literally, tail whips every single woman she steps in the octagon with. I can't say I am a "fan" of hers, but good gracious, she can fight.

I agree! It will never happen but I'd like to see her fight a man. Problem is no man would take the fight for fear of losing to her. Thats probably the most exciting fight I've seen of hers. Normally its, when is she going to get them in an armbar? She cleans up very good when she wants to but is way to crazy for me. She also hangs around the Diaz brothers who are as punk as you can be so I'll enjoy her fights but as far as any kind of relationship with her I'm gonna have to pass. To much crazy there for me.

Here's the fight while its still up

Last edited by BPS; 08/02/15 02:34 AM.

If your decoy doesnt have holes in it, your not letting him get close enough... J.H.

"Life lessons are almost never found where you think they should be, sometimes they're in the middle of a small, muddy creek in the woods with steep banks"... DeadorAlive