Originally Posted By: gobblebox
Originally Posted By: Abram
I do not know squat about her or this womens MMA, what I do know is she is in a controlled environment and that is way different that the streets fights. I studied martial arts for 4 years and I watched some men and women who were fast and good but it was a controlled environment. I will never forget what Craig Kollars told me, "When most, not all, fighters execute an attack, they hold back out of fear of hurting someone, it is built into a lot of us, the most brutal fighters can shut this fear off while others cannot". If I were in my twenties again and still studying I would go a few rounds with her. I fought women in class and it was hard to over come my upbringing of not hitting women but I realized they wanted to be there and they ha better block.

So you're saying if she got in a street fight that she wouldn't be able to break the other persons arm,leg or choke them out because it's not a controlled environment?that the other person would be that much better of a fighter because they aren't in the ring and are in the street or bar or whatever?i don't care where she is at,you let her square up with any woman with no sucker punches or weapons and she will beat their ass every time,prison chicks,bar chicks or whoever,the everyday person just doesn't have the skillset and mind frame she has when it comes to kicking the chit out of people

The keywords you used were "square up", "Sucker Punches" and "Weapons", in street fighting it is no holds barred and if you do get the first punch in and follow up she would not stand a chance. Once you are hit the first time it can and most likely will stun the crap out of you, if the other fighter follows through and lands more punches and kicks your energy levels start dropping off quickly and your punches and kicks lose effectiveness, I know, I have gone several rounds with fighters before and I know first hand how quickly the fight can go south when they get in the first shot.

But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?

Mark Twain