There is much to rave about, but there most definitely are some negatives or cons, which several of us listed a few.

I can only speak for myself, but my family has been blessed with the ability to be able to have my wife stay at home and for us to be able to personally direct our children's education. For us it is a God thing 100%, because it is not easy...but it is our calling.

This topic of home school vs. public school has come up repeatedly over the years on Aldeer. I try not to see it as a competition...which is better, which is worse. But as soon as I say that, I'm reminded of what our public school institutions have become and I do see the negative secular worldly influence that is gaining ground. Broad brush I know, because there are individual teachers, individual classrooms and even entire schools that are exceptions. These exceptions are still operating and teaching like "old school" schools did and have not yet succumbed to the progressive indoctrination. I thank God for that and them!

The vast majority of Christian thinking home school families have a common bond, their primary purpose---they seek to focus on building Godly character in their children first and foremost. Academics and learning is very important, just not #1. Letting a government school and peers have that role and intimate influence for 5 days a week for over 180 days a year just doesn't assist in their primary purpose--according to them. For me, I'll not trust others to what God gave to me as my role. In no way does that mean that Christian families who use public schools do not have the same purpose...not at all. But for those called to home schooling it doesn't equate well for them and their children. This is the rub I think.

Home schooling parents rave on about it (myself included at times) and non home school parents assume we are judging them or looking down on them for their choices. Some might, but I don't. To be honest though, in full disclosure, I don't think enough public school parents fully understand how schools have changed or understand what is being taught in many schools. Exceptions, yes.

Flip side...too many home school parents jump ship to avoid issues and they don't focus on academics enough and do their kids a disservice. So you have kids that are not ready and prepared for the work force. But I find these are most definitely the exceptions.

I said before in a thread to something DW said, that Christian parents who do use public schools have extra work to do at home to undo the negatives and falsehoods the kids are taught in school or pick up from their peers. But that has always been the case...the secular world is a bad influence no matter whee you go to school. We are called to be vigilant in teaching and training our children in the fear and admonition of the Lord and on what is Right, True, Noble, Just and Honorable as revealed in His Word.

"The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:8

"Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.� Samuel Adams