Originally Posted By: bill

Originally Posted By: gman
Originally Posted By: bill
As far as weight classes and training go, when the UFC first started as an underground tournament , the baddest man in the world was Royce Gracie at a whopping 160 lbs. There were no weight classes and the guys Royce beat were everything from kickboxers to street fighters. I watched him destroy a 460lb guy with jujitsu in what is still one of the most brutal fights I've ever seen. He tried to rip the guys jugular vein out before the ref stopped him. An untrained big man or woman is nothing for a highly skilled MMA fighter.
That on video anywhere?

I don't know I watched it nearly 20 years ago on a vhs tape.

Bill, that was totally different. No weight classes. No rounds, they fought until there was a winner. It was a tournament, you win, there wasn't any waiting weeks for another fight. It was going to happen within a day or 2. Todays fighter isn't built to just keep going with no time limit or round. Royce was the toughest I have ever seen. He won 3 of the first 4 tournaments. The tournament he didn't win he won the fight but was beaten so bad he couldn't continue in the tournament and had to forfit.