Originally Posted By: BhamFred
The Zim government has not, that I can find, asked for extradition. Some of the nutcase tree huggers there have asked for extradition. Parks and Wildlife issued a statement yesterday saying they found no wrongdoing by the American, just the landowner and the PH, both arrested. The American hunter broke no Zim laws. This screwup ain't no big deal over there, and most of them don't understand why we think it is a big deal.

The PH claims they had a permit, ya gotta remember that Zim is one of the most corrupt governments in Africa where corruption is rampant. It would not be out of the ordinary for someone in Parks and Wildlife to have issued a permit to kill a lion on that property at all.

NBC is reporting it. Take it for what it is worth.

Lord, please help us get our nation straightened out.