Originally Posted By: jawbone
I think what Phil meant, and I agree with him is that schools, public and private, could benefit from more Christian students to act as witnesses to His glory. You can't minister to the needy if you don't go out there among them and kids respond best to their peers. Is there a risk in this? Yes, absolutely, but that is where raising them right and trusting them to do the right things comes in to play. A lot of praying for them helps also.
I fully understand his point (and prior to having children, shared that point of view), but I simply don't agree that it has been fully vetted with current day (today's public schools are NOTHING like they were even when I was a child and I am only 40 years old), Godly wisdom. I can begin to get behind (a little bit anyway) such a notion as what Phil proposed when we start talking about a child that is 15 or 16 years old and has been a believer for years, has spiritually matured well above his or her peers, and has been saturated with a Biblical worldview and the Word via Christian education. As a point of reference, King David is the earliest example of God ordained, evil confrontation that you will find in God's word when he confronted Goliath at the approximate age of 15 or 16.

However, tossing a 6, 7, 10, 12 year old kid, often times ones that don't even have a personal relationship with Christ yet, much less a developed one, into a lion's den of evil influence and secular, conflicting worldview isn't doing them any favors whatsoever during their formative years in my humble opinion. As for me and my house, because I care deeply about their spiritual development (way more than their academic development though the private school my children now attend, post-early year homeschooling, is far, far more challenging than local public schools), my children will continue to be "trained up" for a season that extends until they are at least out of high school and not a day before.

I am well aware that public schools would benefit from the presence of children like mine (and yours and any others that are believers), but I simply can't come up with a Biblical basis for placing before my children, still in Christian infancy, the challenge of standing firm against evil on all sides in the form of progressive/aetheistic curriculum, progressive/aetheistic teachers, and hellion students that are products of broken homes, unbridled use of the internet and television, zero father involvement, and any and every other form of evil that you can fathom. I praise God in Heaven for Christian teachers that continue to fight the good fight within the public school system, along with Christian students, but they fight against a tidal wave of evil influence that they simply can't fully combat. That's just reality and my children aren't gonna be called upon to do the same.

Last edited by JUGHEAD; 07/31/15 06:47 AM.

"The only reason I shoot a 3.5" shell for turkeys is because they don't make a 4" one." - t123winters