Originally Posted By: mwe
Just because a "wrestler" is a wrestler doesn't mean he will "only" wrestle if he were to step into a ufc ring.
He can take someone down and rather than just try to pin them start smashing his fist into the side of opponents face now .

He no longer has the "no chocking rule" now he can wrap that big arm around the opponents neck and choke them until they collapse .

The upper body strength of well conditioned males is far beyond what a female can muster.
Many ju jitsu moves still take a lot of strength to pull off -I've seen many strong wrestlers use their strength to get out of arm bars and other submission holds.

Look up fallon fox transgender ufc fighter Rhonda declined to fight him -plain and simple reason -she knew she'd get her butt handed to her.

Absolutely the he/she would beat her. It's a trained MMA fighter with the strength of a man. Ronda would be toast. A regular old wrestler or bar brawler would have their arm broken or shoulder dislocated if that's the only skills they possessed. You don't know how to defend against the whole package unless you've trained for it. She has and does.

"Political debate: when charlatans come together to discuss their principles"