I blew my knee out in highschool. Acl, Patela, partial mcl, partial meniscus. I've never encountered a pain quite like 4 hours out of surgery and having them bend your knee for you. I passed out cold. Also saw nfl players cry several times in the pt room. I spent 5 months of twice a day pt excercises by myself. Plus 4 days a week with a therapist. After 5 months I spent another 4 doing once a day pt by myself. Played the next season with a brace. 8 years later, I have a rock solid knee, probably stronger than it was before. I also have partial numbness in it, a damn good scar, and it aches when it rains.

The key to recovery from acl surgery is sticking to your pt religiously. If you don't you won't ever regain full motion. I would plan on about two weeks out of work, another 3 to 5 after that on crutches. A while after that in an immobilizer brace.

With just an acl your recovery should be slightly better depending on your level of fitness. Keep In mind, I was in great shape and young during all of this.

Lyle Cain did my surgery. He is the best knee guy in the nation. I would recommend using him, since you are so close. He's also a turkey hunter.