Those of you that have been wearing the Under Armour boots… how are they holding up?

I had a pair of the Lacrosse Alpha Burley Sports that BPS sells. The sole started separating from the boot after last season, my 2nd season with them. They were only lightly worn, I probably only wore them on about 20 hunts or so. I called Lacrosse and they told me that since I bought them at BPS that BPS handles all of the customer service issues. So I took them back to BPS last week and they gave me a credit for what they were currently selling them for, $66. I think I paid about $89 for them new as they were on sale when I bought them. I don’t think they carry them in the store anymore but I had my original box and that is what they rung up at the register. So I need a new pair of rubber boots for this season and I need to get them from BPS. I notice they carry the UA HAWs and Haw’madillos. After all I have read about the sole problem with the Lacrosses, I would consider not ever getting another pair but they are so incredibly comfortable to me, that I might get a pair of the Aeroheads if they are on sale or just the simple Grange boots.

So, to my question, those of you that have been wearing the UA boots, are you still satisfied with them?