Originally Posted By: Flyway
Learn a lesson from his mistake, anytime you pay for somebody to take you hunting in a place you're unfamiliar with you better do your homework. The "ignorance" card only gets you so far. And ask questions when something doesn't seem legit. When they tied a dead animal drag to the back of the truck to lure him to a different place to kill him I'd have started asking questions. And he very well could have asked those questions, I'm not saying he didn't. I could have just been the day all his bad luck chips got cashed in at once.

Trying to destroy the gps collar is another dead giveaway that you're screwed.

It'd be nice if there was this much public outrage over ISIS beheading people and Planned Parenthood sorting through aborted fetuses to harvest organs to sell.

I'm going to assume that you have never been to Africa hunting. You are completely at the mercy of the Outfitter and PH to ensure that all is legal. And every country is different. Landlines are usually NOT marked, no way to know if you are one legal land or in a park, or on someone else.

Dragging dead game to lay a scent trail is normal practice when hunting lion or leopard.

an personally ,given his history, I doubt that he asked any questions and knew full well the hunt was illegal. He is in a world of deep chitt with the USFW boys, prolly facing multiple Lacy Act violations here in US.

I really doubt he will actually face any charges IN Zimbabwe. I sure as hell wouldn't go back on my own to face charges there.

anybody with ANY common sense would not of shot THAT lion, even if it was legal, on quota, legal land, et all. Dumbass greedy move and it will cost him, the PH, the landowner, and all of us that hunt anywhere. The antis will use this to further their anti-hunting agenda, esp lion hunting.

I've spent most of the money I've made in my lifetime on hunting and fishing. The rest I just wasted.....

proud Cracker-Americaan

muslims are like coyotes, only good one is a dead one