I have mature bucks (4.5+) on our place on camera the last two years covering a touch over 3 miles straight line distance.

I also had photos of a buck years ago that got killed as a 5.5 year old 6.5 miles from where he was living as 3.5 year old. We thought he had died\been poached but he had just moved to a more prime area on the property. Luckily it was a really large tract.

Their movements seem to be based on their personality. We had some deer that were dominant in their immediate area but were not really all that confrontational so they didn't have prime areas on the property nor did they roam very far. We saw other deer that were right the opposite. They were very confrontational, would travel large areas and would fight. These deer typically made it to 4.5 and died at the hands of a hunter.

Last edited by NightHunter; 07/27/15 05:43 PM.