Wasn't there to waste anybody's time, how am I supposed to know what the land potential is before I go check it out? And it's not about anybody's feelings, just stating the facts. I was there for 2 hours and 20 minutes, of which we spent about 1 hour looking over the property and the the other 1:20 I spent trying to get my keys out of the truck which I (quite stupidly) locked in there. I thanked you several times yesterday for arranging for your friend to help me retrieve my keys, and I thank you again for that, but none of that has anything to do with the facts. I saw one set of tracks on the road, no others. And $1150 for 105 acres comes to $10.95 an acre, rounding that to $11 doesn't really seem like a stretch to me. If you want to divide out the cost between land and insurance, I guess you can do that. Don't take it personally, just wasn't what I was looking for, and I'm glad you found someone to lease it.