Good post. This needs to be done on the following subjects:

1. Require balanced budget except in case of Congressionally declared war on foreign power.

2. Make clear Commerce Clause only applies to actual interstate commerce - expressly rejecting the New Deal era "affectation" and "cumulative effects" doctrines made up by the SCOTUS.

3. Make clear that under Article 6 that treaties cannot and do not nullify any aspect of the Constitution or any aspects of individual State sovereignty.

4. Make clear Second Amendment is an individual right (right now it is a 5-4 situation at SCOTUS).

5. Mandate that federal government can never spend more than 15% of GDP. Maybe only 10%.

6. Make clear that the Necessary and Proper Clause and the General Welfare preamble are NOT independent sources of power delegated by the States to the Federal Govt. (like the Founding Fathers said back then).

7. Amend First Amendment to:

a. outlaw Islam.

b. outlaw pornography.

c. outlaw promotion of Nazism , Communism, Global Government.

d. outlaw the promotion of
homosexuality/lesbianism/transgenderism/polygamy/pedophilia and incest.

e. Make clear that the word "religion" in First Am. only refers to the Christian religion and that America is founded on Christian principles and that it is no violation of First Am. for government and government officials and employees to acknowledge the Biblical God/Christ and to open public meetings with Christian prayer.

8. An Amendment to MANDATE strict original intent construction of the Constitution and FORBIDDING any "evolving living document" construction, or the application of any international law or any "evolving norms of international consensus" garbage.

9. Outlaw homosexual/lesbian/transgender marriage or polygamy or incestual marriage. Define marriage as only between one man and one woman.

10. Outlaw homosexual and lesbians or transgenders from adopting children.

11. Forbid immigration of Muslims into the U.S.

12. Require strict enforcement of immigration laws and provide for immediate impeachment of any president who fails to do so.

13. Provide the federal judges only serve 5 year terms and then have to receive a 3/4 vote of approval by Congress AND the State Legislatures to earn another 5 years. Mandate that any application of "evolving living document" crap to either Constitution or legislation is grounds for immediate impeachment.

"The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson

" Chuck Sykes is a dictator control freak like Vladimir Putin " WmHunter