Ok, this doesn't involve eating anything weird. But it's a crazy story about a hunting trip.
1968. Tazewell, VA. (Rural, mountainous, SW VA.) I was 6 at the time and didn't get to go on the trip, but my daddy went. The hunters were my dad, my 2 uncles (my mom's brothers) and the eldest sons of both my uncles (1 each) making it 5 total. They were going up to Tazewell for a black bear hunt. January, I suppose because I remember both my cousins got new shotguns at Christmas, for the occasion and I was disappointed that I was the only boy that didn't get a new shotgun from Santa Claus.
They were going to stay in Tazewell at the home of one of my Uncle's inlaws. His name was Jim Alec and he was a "stem winder", as they used to say. Always into something crazy and pulling pranks. He was a coal miner and lived in one of the company built houses near the mines. All the same size, shape and color. When they arrived it was late, but before I midnight. There was some confusion about which house it was since it was dark and nobody bothered to write down the address. But since my uncle had been there before and he was pretty certain he knew which house it was, nobody thought much of it when they arrived and the house was dark. All 5 of them piled out of the car and they knocked on the door.
Nobody answered.
Figuring that Jim Alec was pulling another prank they just went on in because in those days no one locked their doors and family could just make themselves at home. They looked around and indeed the house was empty. Since they had to be up early they got their bags from the car and brought all their gear in the house. They laid out their hunting clothes, cooked a late supper of bacon and eggs and went to bed about midnight.
About an hour later after everybody was snoring away, the family comes home. Mom, dad and all 6 of the girls. They flip on lights, discover a kitchen full of dirty dishes, etc smelling like bacon, and then everyone realized at the same time, after the twin girls screamed when they found a strange man in their bed, they were in the wrong house! You can imagine the shock on everyone's face after waking up from a deep sleep!
They had missed it by 3 houses. Thankfully, that family knew the inlaws well and it became a funny family story. They invited the man of that house to join them on their hunt and he went, too. They even killed a bear.