So I had to do this pretty quickly between rain storms today ……but I decided to go ahead and mow since the weather was right for it. This was the last of the Mohicans as far as the peas and buckwheat. The buckwheat turned out to do pretty well but I still wouldn’t count on it lasting in high deer densities. My deer have just wiped it out in pretty short order. About 70-80% of what I planted is browsed and decimated.

I’m hoping the milo tillers…this is my first experiment trying to do this……..Most of the milo was around 2-3 ft tall. It looks like one plot of green but there are probably 20+ different plant species growing in this field with deer visiting in on a nightly basis.

It smells like one big turnips out here now. This may stink like chit in another few days…..

Last edited by CNC; 06/26/15 03:43 PM.

We dont rent pigs