Originally Posted By: blumsden
Originally Posted By: 257wbymag

Originally Posted By: RiverWood
Checked my test fields today. Wish I knew how to post pics. My mow & throw plots are not doing very well compared to the disked and drilled portions of same field.

That makes me smile!

I figured yours and riverwoods plots would fail, because in all honesty, you want them to fail. I read your posts, and i'm not sure why you two are even on this thread. It was supposed to be set up for people interested in this method, which clearly ya'll are not.

Really? Really? You think that I "willed my mow & throw plots not to succeed" just so I could burn more fuel & spend more time planting? You silly smile. I plant, fertilize, and spray every which way you can imagine, just to see what is most efficient in my operation. I'm running side by side test to see how each method works. I'll figure out photo bucket one day or you can come see for yourself.