Originally Posted By: CNC
Originally Posted By: Turkeymaster
Should I wait 2-3 weeks once everything gets up to fertilize it?

Have you had a soil test done lately? Its good to know what your Ca, P, K levels and pH are doing in order to know what you need to throw at it in terms of fert. These nutrient levels need to be addressed before the seed every hits the ground. You want to throw your seed off into a fertile growing environment from the beginning. If all of those things were already in balance then you would just need to hit it with some N to give everything a boost.

Without a test the best option is just to assume you are low on the all and add 13-13-13 or 17-17-17

We had the soil test done last year and put lime out accordingly, as our pH averaged out to be 5.2 in all the fields. the average for P and K levels were roughly 60-80 lbs of both in each field. it didn't ask for much N

Last edited by Turkeymaster; 06/02/15 05:43 AM.

"All is fair in love, War and Turkey Hunting"