Originally Posted By: westflgator
Forgive me if this link has already been posted (too many posts to read them all) but here is a real good discussion on the matter. It really breaks down the advantages of using cover crops and no till systems to better enhance and utilize the natural process taking place in the soil. In other words, letting the microbes in the soil do most of the work. I know this is not necessarily "throw N go" but it's untilizing the same principles only in a larger commercial operation setting, which requires the main crop to be planted with no till planters for more accurate planting rates, and costs controls etc.

Note: It's a long clip but at 20:20 in you will see a side by side comparison of tradition methods vs no till with no irrigation other than rain fall. Pretty impressive...


What kind of row cropping do you do?

"You do and it will be the biggest mistake you ever made, you Texas brush popper" John Wayne