I always thought that the people who bash it were the ones who sat on the greenfield morning and evening. One of my good friends said he planted the green so it was ok in his eyes. If it were 100 years ago and you did it with a mule or team or horses...I can get on board. But hoping on a tractor with air conditioning ismt exactly what I call working hard. The hardest part about that job is making the payment on the tractor. I've hunted timber company property where the biggest patch of green was the size of a living room. They wouldn't let you take down any trees. So I sucked it up and hunted other areas. I like hunting green fields I make no apologies. Some may say it's not hunting to them but I like it. But some people don't have access to hunt them and if they need to throw corn to attract deer and to get them to feed then get after it. Long rant but whether you throw corn or hunt food plots the deer are eating either way.