Originally Posted By: Atoler
Originally Posted By: Bamabucks14
If this is such a big issue, just farm deer, like cattle. The hell with the traditional aspect of hunting. "I need bait to kill a deer". You're a shitass excuse of a hunter if that's the case Stop your bitching. If you can't kill a deer buy some potted meat for 69 cents a can. If you hunt and cannot get at least one shot on a deer, of either sex, without bait, by all means bait them. But if that's the case you probably live in another country where whitetail deer do not exist.

This is pretty much exactly what I was referring to in my first post. You are condemning others for wanting to bait, while you have access to ag land covered in food...... You are lucky to have land that you really don't need to feed to keep deer on it. Many many many clubs that lease timber land, do not have the ground available to draw many deer by planting. Like I said, I don't really care if it is legal or not, but If you think sitting on a huge cut corn field and killing a deer is a lot different than sitting on a corn pile, well....

Yea guess your right. Condemning folks, well said. Your are a worm with words. So any place in the country with a corn field is the same as baiting? I must be an awful hunter because I cannot get that buck to come eat the one corn cob that's 20 yards away from my bow stand. However if I had only had one pile of corn in 900 acres I bet I'd know where to set up at. I'm not condemning anyone pal, just my opinion.

"Here, take this land mine and protect your property with it."
-Ron Swanson