Originally Posted By: truedouble
I think for people that own a decent size piece of property or are in a club with a low number of members are usually trying to get as many "good" stands in the woods without spending a ridiculous amount of money. People will spend $$ on climbers b/c most people only have a few, since they are so mobile.

As for Lock On stands I'm not willing to spend more than around $100 b/c I still have to buy steps (another $60) I am also going to leave that stand on a tree as a semi permanent stand. I'd prefer to have 2 "good" lock on's than 1, really good lock on.

If Milliniums were priced lower I would love to have them. Love the concept, but not willing to spend the $$$. Also don't really love the idea of having to put up a stand every hunt even though there is a bracket. Best part of a lock on or ladder is they are there and easy and quiet to get in to.

This is coming from someone that has probably bought over 20 stands in the past 10 years, so my opinion is probably much different than someone in a big lease or for someone that hunts public land.

I totally agree. I leave my stands up 24/7/365 and i'm not paying that much for one stand.