Originally Posted By: Atoler
Now if you could design some kind of polymer or composite engineering process that allowed you to offer a stand as good as a millennium at a cut rate, then you would be in business.

You either need a stand that is leaps and bounds better than anything on the market, or a stand that is comparable, and can be had for a reduced price.

This...In my opinion nothing will beat a millennium for comfort or ease of use so why reinvent the wheel? However, provide equal comfort, ease of use, quality, and safety at a significantly reduced price and you have just become the new name of the treestand industry! It has to be a significant price reduction though, if not people will buy the name they know. Provide all of this and before the end of bow season you want be able to produce enough of them.

One other thought when discussing hang-on stands...all new stands come with a safety harness now. What if yours came with a life-line in every box? Tremendous safety feature that no other stand offers and keeps hunters from buying an additional piece of equipment for a new stand they just bought.

Good luck!