Originally Posted By: ISwearItsNotRay
Originally Posted By: BrowningXbolt
This should be removed.
How can you think it's great that someone jumped a fence to pretty much kill a "pet" deer but condemn a man he wants to talk smack about. I definitely wouldn't listen to anything he has to say. He's obviously out of his mind and that for sure doesn't make him any better than anyone he's talking about.
Sounds to me like someone is just butt hurt and trying to start a bunch of drama.
Don't you have a "pet" deer to go knife down?

I complitely aggree with this poster. You shouldn't be puting a man down like that on a pubic internet forum.

Sweet mother of pearl. .. laugh

Life is a journey. Make sure and bring plenty of Beer.

My luck has been so bad lately, it could be raining pussies and I'd catch one with a dick broke off in it.