Originally Posted By: CNC
Originally Posted By: N2TRKYS
Our plots are still wet. It'll take alot of dry, hot weather before I can even bushhog our plots.

There really shouldn’t be a whole lot of need for most folks to do much in their fields before mid May. I experimented some this spring but had I not smothered part of last fall’s planting then I would have just watched it grow all spring. There might be a need to throw out some fert during early spring but that can usually be done by hand or with a 4-wheeler.

The crimson clover is still not done blooming and the vetch and peas are just really starting to bloom. Still plenty of food in the field at this point and I want all of this stuff to reseed itself. The natural transition of crops occurs here during mid May when last fall’s mix matures. We all tend to want to plant as soon as possible so lots of folks start doing things in April or even late March but really about mid May is when you want to transition to summer stuff.

Our fall plantings are producing on into June, at least. I usually start bushhogging about June, just to keep it from getting too tall.

83% of all statistics are made up.