My first rack buck, killed him when I was 16. And a few turkeys haha. Made the turkey plaques myself.

Deer on the top right was my very first bow buck, next one down is a 7 point that I killed two years ago that was covered in warts, and the one on the left I killed with my bow in pine level 3 years ago. I made that broadhead plaque that he's hanging on. Also a gray fox and otter that I trapped and a few sheds that I have picked up over the years.

Big euro mount on top I killed last November with my 6.8. The spike was my very first deer, killed him when I was 7 and begged my dad to shoulder mount it. Then the left skull is a deer that I shot and couldn't find at the end of the 2013-14 season and found him while chasing turkeys this year. And the right bottom skull is just a big one that I found while blood trailing another big deer that I arrowed this year and couldn't find.

And last but certainly not least, my biggest deer yet. My bow kill from last october!