I was not there to witness this act, but did hear the story from Rays brother Paul around the fire one night, he even seemed disgusted. The son Cameron was flat out crazy. Not only was he part of that, he also strung together 2 bundles of balloons and placed them a few yards apart on a food plot thinking he could get pictures of deer standing between them. He posted videos on youtube of himself purposely wounding deer so he could film them dying up close. To show that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Ray shot 2 hogs, on separate occasions, that he drug to the side of the road then miraculously disappeared before he could get back to them with a 4wheeler. He has 2 very similar stories about 2 different bucks, which were found a couple days later, then he claimed he thought he missed after denying that he shot. We cut the head from one, brought it back to the camp and his son Wes confirmed that his father claimed to have killed it and recognized it by trial cam pics, but gave up looking for it. The buck was found about 200 yards from the stand he shot from.