Glad to see you guys posting up your throw and mow experiments. Looking forward to seeing how you guys progress. I just threw a little milo off into my field today ahead of this rain coming in. My cereal rye is thin enough now that I may not even mow it again. Probably going to throw in some buckwheat around the end of May still.

bambam.....If we could rewind the clock about 6 weeks, it would have done your plot a lot of good to have hit it with some nitrogen about the time of spring green up. You would have produced more biomass from your wheat. Wheat is a lot more finicky to poor soil conditions and nutrient defiencies (like lack of N) opposed to something like cereal rye. If you can get your hands of some elbon or wrens abruzzi rye this fall I would recommend trying it. In the beginning stages is when your field is going to need the most help from synthetic fertilizers. Over time as we build fertility then you will reduce the need for them.

Last edited by CNC; 04/27/15 02:19 PM.

We dont rent pigs