None of the big commercial farmers, still plow where i live, they all use a no-till drill. The stubble from the previous planting is still visible, but the plot is brown, where they have sprayed, and then all of a sudden you'll start seeing it green up in rows. They don't disturb the weed seed bank. I don't have major problems with weeds and grasses. I also don't have a problem spraying them, if i do. A sreally smart man told me one time that if grass contiually shows up in your plot, then nature is telling you, you need more carbon in that plot, so plant a grass specie's, such as corn,milo,millet,sorghum, or egyptian wheat. That way you will be adding carbon, and also adding food for wildlife. Over time, the unwanted grass will diminish. You can also get rid of a lot of weeds in your yard, simply by raising your ph, by liming, instead of spraying.