Originally Posted By: centralala
Simpleman, you either get up too early or stay up to late. Me...I just never sleep.

The article you posted brings up some good points but overlooks some of the obvious. Politics and the work force won't work. Now, every county has good hard working people. Some more than others. Macon co. and property taxes fall squarely on Bob Rileys shoulders. On property taxes, he tried to give the largest tax hike the state ad ever seen using basicly the same scare tactics Bentley is using. When it failed, he slid in the appraisal system we have now for property that essential goes up every year. On Macon co., he shut down the dog track that employed a lot of people. When GE Engines came in wanting to build a manufacturing plant near either U of A or AU, he had a prime opportunity to replace those jobs. GE chose AU which is mighty close to Macon co. Instead, he pushed Lee co. In Lowndes co., where GE built a plastics plant, it was difficult to find workers who wanted a job. The ones that did, got good paying jobs and moved out to neighboring counties and commute back to Lowndes for work. I don't have the answers but more taxes is not it.

Good morning. I was in the process of relocating from my lazy boy to my bed! I agree wholeheartedly, more taxes is not the answer and I'm not saying I have the answer I just know that our property tax system is geared towards reducing the tax burden on owners of large tracts of timber and Ag land. It's that way due to decades of lobbying activity and I don't think we can lay it on Bob or any other one governor.