In louisiana the state season started on March 20. Louisiana recognizes its state waters out to 10 miles, but the Feds only recognize it as 3 miles offshore. Funny thing is the Feds recognize florida and Texas state waters are 10 miles out. Last year I had both state game wardens check us and the feds check us. The state game wardens did not check our fish and said "y'all out here catching mangroves" we said sure. The Feds checked them and threatened to write us a ticket for being over 3 miles with red snapper, and told us they better not catch us again. Feds need to just let the states make the own seasons. I've sat under a oil rig and caught probably 50-70 snapper in a row till I got sick of it, I obviously was letting them go after I kept my 3. But come on there are so many of them things out there it's ridicoulous. I love fishing in Louisiana we were only 6-7 miles out catching snapper in a 17 ft bay boat. Growing up in central alabama this kind of fishing is insane to me.