Give and take on low property taxes.

On funding education: First IF I had my way, the state would have zero input in education. Parents are responsible to educating their own children, not the state. Now if a county or local city wanted to have public schools then they can fund it and run it how they wish by their own standards. Secondly, I know that will never happen since education is a big business across the state. So since we have the public schools, they have to be funded by the public...we are stuck with it. Since we are stuck with it I will say that funding the education of our children is a civic duty of everyone and property taxes and other taxes are appropriate at some level. HOWEVER....I do insist (although it is like peeing in the wind) that if you home school or send your kids to a private school then you should get that % off your property taxes that would otherwise go to public education for your children--but only while your kids are in private or home school. Home school and private school is in fact funding the education of children and since we pay for it out of our own pockets, we are fulfilling our civic duty. One kids are out of school, go back to regular percentage on property taxes. Education benefits the community and culture, so all should pay for it in some manner--now that we are stuck with public schools.

My views are kinda different, yeah I know.

"The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:8

"Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.� Samuel Adams