Originally Posted By: Clem
State parks should be managed by RSA. Y'all see any RTJ courses closing down? Business folks know how to manage money not politicians.

Parks can't be privatized, right? Wasn't that the big kerfluffle when Gulf State Park was to be rebuilt and managed by an outside group? I know another hotel owner down there didn't want the park resort to be built for a convention center b/c it would have taken away from his own revenue, but I believe the DCNR was legally blocked by the courts about privatizing the parks.

The RSA is a state agency. Dr. Bonner wanted to build a convention center at Gulf State Park using RSA funds and investors with no tax dollars being used but politics got in the way. It still may happen some day and we need one so Alabama businesses can have their convention in state and not in Sandestin.

Proud Army and ALNG veteran
God Bless America!