I have spent at least 20 hours looking for something to lease on my own close to my house or job and have found NOTHING. I would pay 15 an acre if I could find something, anything decent. I'm in a club with over 4900 acres and 32 members, and we pay a very small price per acre, but the land we hunt is worth what we pay, maybe less. It's a big briar patch with some open sweetgum and poplar bottoms and about 3900 acres of thinned pines with about 16 inches of pine-straw on the ground. Hasn't been control burned in over 21 years. We have 3 year agreements, and actually had a group contact one of our landowners this year and offer double per acre what we pay for one tract. It's a competitive world of hunting we live in. People will pay anything for acreage regardless of what's on that acreage just to have somewhere to go.