Originally Posted By: 257wbymag
I'm planting 8 acres of sunflowers. Not mixing in millet or sorghum that way I can control grasses in it. I'll put down Treflan pre. As my sunflowers dry down I'll disk strips and sow wheat. That outta be a barrel burner.

I'm assuming you plant them in rows so you can spray later if they need it? My planter is too worn out to use anymore; you think I can make a crop by broadcasting them? Putting out the Treflan would not be a problem. My thinking was that the millet will quickly cover the ground and the sunflowers will quickly get above the millet and other weeds wouldn't be such a problem. Think its a bad idea to mix them?

Last edited by poorcountrypreacher; 04/10/15 11:39 AM.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.