I agree with everything he said. Some millets mature in as few as 60 days. Having tried to grow both, the millets is definitely easier. My sunflowers were eaten by deer for the most part. The ones that survived were picked clean by tiny songbirds that were small enough to land on the flower and pull seeds off.

One thing about millet though, in my opinion, it needs more prep work to provide a good shoot. The first year I did millet, I just cut it and left it laying on the ground. There were millions of seeds on the ground, but most of them were covered by a thick mat of thatch that was spit out by the bushhog. If I'd known or had more time, I would've burned the field after cutting or gone over the field with a hay rake. You can't just cut the millet and leave it like you would corn or sunflowers.

"When there was no fowl, we ate crawdad, when there was no crawdad, we ate sand."

"YOU ATE SAND!" - Raising Arizona