We finally found another gobbler this afternoon. He didn't gobble all afternoon, but they had him on camera at a feeder, so we sat close to it and had him, hens, and jakes at 50, but never could get them quite clear enough of the other turkeys. We did roost him and walked in, in the dark tonight and found a good place to sit. One of us should kill him when his feet hit the ground in the morning. Hate to do it that way, but he's been tight lipped all day, and he's the only gobbler we've found since I killed the two the yesterday morning.
Headed back to Dallas tomorrow evening and back to Bama Friday morning. Im about ready to be back! I think I could've done just as good at home, but I did get to spend some time with an old friend and kill a couple, so it's been a good "getaway." Just wasn't as good of a trip as last year. Ill get these birds posted up on the way home tomorrow. Good luck guys!

Originally Posted by BPS
This is Aldeer! The place people come to vent their frustrations and completely change their stance a few minutes later... grin