Originally Posted By: YAK-EM'
2 turkeys in 3 sits is a good average....I've sat down on prolly 6 and ain't killed but 1

add a notch for my first butt whooping of the season. The other one I sat down on a few weeks ago didn't gobble again after I sat down on him, so I never really got in the game.

This morning I took a buddy who is always good luck in the turkey woods. I think I've taken him 6 or 7 times and we have 4 dead birds and all the others were close calls to show for it. He has never killed a bird without me. Well, we got back in the public land early, and sat on a high ridge in a spot I used to hear 6 or more almost every morning. Notta. Not one gobble. About 45 minutes after daylight I'm getting ticked off. I decided to start walking the property line and cutting. All the sudden a hen started back at me. I moved in close, and started getting her fired up. Then he gobbled. After that he gobbled about 30x over the next hour. He would come towards us, then those hens would draw him back to them. Cat and mouse. He was down in a bottom and we were on top of the ridge about 40yds from the edge. I told my buddy to ease up to the edge of the ridge and I'd draw him back to us. It sounded like he was getting about halfway up the ridge every time before turning around. Well, he took about 10 steps and the birds busted out of there. They had finally worked their way up to us and were in a depression to our left headed our way. Made a rookie mistake and paid for it. Should have decided early on to either be aggressive when he was gobbling good, or play it patient. Waited too long to decide. I'm going back after him in the morning. i think I would have killed that bird by myself, so we will see if he will make some noise in the am.