Originally Posted By: Survivor

Originally Posted By: glenncmp
I just read through that 2 times and no where in there does it say the dates for your membership.

Said for the 3rd time now. First half of dues on March 1st. Second half on May 31st. That was clarified for folks like you all here on the 2015-2016 rules. It remains the same, Turkey-neck was shown around the club in early April 2013, paid on April 23, 2013. He turkey hunted in 2013. A month,a week, a day. He hunted for turkey in 2013.

We all can read what dates your dues are due. Show me where in your list of rules it defines what dates your "season" runs.

Yeah, well, I always heard there were three kinds of suns in Kansas: sunshine, sunflowers, and sons-of-bitches.