HHSyelper, can you please put a little story on here about this young man and what's going on and how you came across helping him? Two years ago, my fiance at the time came down with leukemia and a lot of folks on here donated money and participated in some fundraising stuff I started to help her and her two kids. She didn't beat it and is off to better places, but I won't forget how much support complete strangers gave me and her. I'll be the first one to say if you want to start a fund to get this kid His own shotgun and some new gear, I've got the first 100 ready to go. I think the mods on here can get you set up with a thread that'll stay up top. I'm guessing we can get a couple grand in short order by the end of the day. Just tell me how to send the money and great job for giving him a distraction and something to look forward to and let's get him that 20 guage!!!