Originally Posted By: BamaGuitarDude
Originally Posted By: wmd
Originally Posted By: BamaGuitarDude
Originally Posted By: cm1975
Putting a drawn back bow on somebody's forehead. Not believable, and if u are telling the truth, people like you should not be allowed in the woods.

Don't put words in my mouth; I did not say my bow was drawn back; read my post. Maybe MORE people like me need to be in the woods to keep people like YOU on your side of the property lines.

I read it the same way since it is kind of hard to have a bow "dead-on" someone/thing without it being drawn and aimed.

Tell me this - at what point in my post did I mention drawing back on my bow? Go back, again, re-read it, and point that out to me.

Originally Posted By: wmd

Maybe it would have been better to say, "I had my bow in my hand pointed in their general direction to shield my body in case they are armed and decide to shoot first because there is no way I can get my bow drawn, aimed, and fired before they blast me out of this tree."

But that doesn't sound quite manly enough though, so I understand why you chose to use hyperbole. wink

Maybe it would have been better to say, "I invited the two gentlemen to my abode; I threw another faggot on the fire, at which point, afterwards, we sat down, sipped on hot tea, ate a few bites of brittle, and whilst discussing their trespassing on my property, we began to ..."

I mean, dude? Have you read the Tenth Legion? Hyperbole is the only acceptable writing style for hunting stories.



"Any way you look at it, most of the problems facing baboons can be expressed in two words: other baboons" -
D.L. Cheney and R.M. Seyfarth