Originally Posted By: Matt Brock
Originally Posted By: Lonster
Originally Posted By: Matt Brock
Hunting w/o permission is $1000.00 + court costs.

Kinda, sorta, but certainly not written in stone. Trespassing vs. assault...


Trespassing and hunting w/o permission are two completely unrelated charges, with the latter being a much stiffer fine. Of course a judge can set the fine at whatever he wants, but $1,000.00 is the minimum.

I'm not saying the guy who did the punching isn't wrong, and based on the circumstances could or should be charged. The more we learn of the circumstances to me sounds like the trespasser said a little more than neighbor wanted to listen to. Since we have only one side on here, the best thing to do is accept what happened and move on, being glad nobody got seriously injured, or arrested.

I've represented several folks who have pled guilty and not paid one red cent for a fine. Court costs always, fines occasionally cool
