This story smells fishy. You poached accidentally and unknowingly, and 2 hunters that claim to be the rightful lease holders(or have legal permission) walk up to you while you are working and looking at turkeys, confront you, yell at you, punch you in the face and then walk away? Not saying it's a lie but something doesn't add up. Might be some missing parts here and there. If I walked up on a poacher, I'm not gonna yell and walk away, I'll stand there and watch you walk away if I even let you leave without calling the GW. I wouldn't punch someone for poaching unless I felt threatened but that probably wouldn't be necessary considering I'd have a gun as well. But yeah that's kind of harsh for the guy to punch you in the face for poaching especially when you said you were scared and told them you didn't know, could of and should of been handled in a different manner. I hate this happened but if the guy would punch you for accudentally crossing the line he probably has done worse, good thing for you you didn't kill the turkey! Tough lesson, but one you won't soon forget.