Well guys, I let yall down this morning. Couldn't get one to gobble on the limb so I just eased in to where he has been all week and set up. At good light I started calling and some hens started talking back and forth with me. After 10mins of this he fired off.....about 100yds behind me. I called to him and he'd gobble about every breath and I could tell he was running toward me so I moved around the tree to face him. Then I saw that beautiful red and white head coming through the trees. Unfortunately it was really thick where he was and I couldn't get a shot. He strutted around at 25yds for a bit and then started coming again. At 15yds he went behind a tree and I drew my bow. When he stepped out all I had was one small hole to shoot throough the brush so when he stepped in it I let it fly. I think the arrow hit a limb between me and him.. Saw feathers fly and he took off putting like crazy. Lots of feathers, no blood on the ground or arrow so I'm chalking it up to just a graze. I did look for him for about an hour though just to be sure. But this handful of feathers is all I have to show for my hunt this morning.