Looking for a club for 2015 2016 season. I am currently in a club 30 min north of Selma. Good club, nice guys, pretty good deer. BUT, I live in Orange Beach, and it is well over 3 hours away. Little too far. Stay busy all spring, summer, and fall on charter boat, so hunting is limited. Wish I could hunt every weekend, but more like every other weekend at best.
Don't have to shoot a monster, don't shoot little bucks, but I do like to take a couple for the freezer. Would like a spot to park camper, and take grandson so he can sit with me. I don't argue, complain, or hunt your stands. I get along with anyone. I work hard all summer, so I can sit in the woods in the cooler months. Please know that I am by no means advertising for my business, I promise, but if you want to make sure that I am not a "nut", you can see a bit about me on my website www.nightshiftcharterservice.com some deer pics with my grandson on my facebook page, linked from my website.
Looking to try and stay no more than 2 hours from Orange Beach. Thanks for checking, I do appreciate.