theres no way to know at this point, because most people dosnt have these discussions. We cant police our own, because were caught up in a pro or anti debate. Once we move past this we can focus on the actual problem. I use we and us, meaning society. But dog owners in general usually dont know much about dogs. For instance, I had a hound/jack russel terrier mix. Super stubbern dog. When guests would come over, the dog would bark and bark. My wife would take the easy route and put the dog in the bedroom or let him out. This causes a dog to become aggressive and territorial. I didnt mind at the time because I had him for a guard dog. Now with my pit or any large dog, thats the last thing you wanna do. Some people see no danger in any large dog, some see no danger in any large dog except pits. As soon as we can turn our attention towards making sure people understand all the risks and the proper way to prevent them, the better we will be as a whole.

For without victory, there is no survival