Originally Posted By: JTapia
Originally Posted By: Tru-Talker
Originally Posted By: JTapia
Originally Posted By: R_H_Clark
Anyone can defend Pits all they want. Yes, other breeds do attack and bite but the facts are that Pits kill over 3 times as many people than any other breed. Often these deaths are members of the family which raised them.

Fact is, very few of you have ever actually seen a Pit Bull(if it was even a Pit Bull) bite anyone much less been bitten yourself but I bet you you've been bitten by another breed or even a cat. rolleyes

Show us a picture of a "true" pit bull since all the news outlets and everyone here have never seen one..... Guess it's just the media spinning the news around when it's actually terrier/boxer....lab/boxer mixes doing all the mauling.... I'm just glad we have a pit bull expert amongst us to clear this up and set the record straight.... Guess all you got to do next is hit the airwaves of CNN and FOX to set the record straight.....

I'm not saying that you cant tell a "true" Pit by looking at a picture of a dog that you already know is a true Pit, I am telling you exactly that you can't just look at a dog and determine that it is for sure a Pit Bull unless it's your dog. Sometime last year I posted a link to this very thing, a line up, if you will, of various dogs breeds and 80% couldn't correctly ID the American Pit Bull Terrier and that 80% was just over what would be statistically correct with just a blind guess. I had a Lab/Boxer mix that looked exactly like a pit Bull but didn't have an ounce of Pit Bull DNA. I currently have a Boston Terrier/Cocker Spaniel mix that I get asked all the time if she is a "baby Pit", again, not an ounce of Pit DNA.

Nobody has to get on CNN or FOX News to "spin" anything, all one has to do is look. The CDC states on their site that they dont keep breed specific stats on Dog bites because it is, even in the eye of the best trained Veterinarian, impossible to know the breed without a DNA test. They use stats provided by "others", mainly the anti Pit Group at Dogbite.org who specifically said on their website that they use "other mixed breeds" in their Pit Bull stats. Those other breed, again listed on their site, are Boxers, Boxer/Lab mix, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier/Boxer mix, Staffordshire Bull Terrier/Lab mix....etc

But don't let silly things like facts sway you, go ahead and believe those Dog Breed Expert, Gum Shoe reporters for CNN, FOX News and the New York Times when they tell you that Old Lady Johnson saw a Pit Bull attack someone so it must be a Pit. Remember when CNN and the NYTimes told you if you like your insurance you can keep it, Period, and if you like your Doctor, you can keep them, Period.

Im just gonna call bullchit on 80% can't look at a dog and determine its a pit.I would conservatively say maybe 10% but 80% is just another excuse by a pit lover.You saying that is no different than these so called made up %of attacks by pits on these "anti pit" websites.Show me a study that says 80% of Americans cant correctly identify a pit and I'll show you a made up number by pit lovers.That chit goes both ways.Post up the pics and see how many here get it right.I'd take a guess and say about 99% will get it right.