Originally Posted By: Climber
I agree 110%. Not trying to be rear end but how does a normal Joe go about it. I do vote and will be happy to call my local representatives.What else can I do? Someone educate me.

We all do that too..and Im sure you feel as frustrated as the rest of us.

The sad part is it has reached the point where we really cant do anything...period. The system is rigged..it is a joke. It has become..the Wizard of freaking OZ,..just smoke and mirrors.

We now..LITERALLY..have 12 states that make the laws and cram their ways down the throat off the other 38 states. The 12 states with huge metroplotian areas and HUGE numbers of people living off the government in some way.

This is NOT the way the system was designed, yet even our founding fathers knew that a party could pervert the sytem by giving away free stuff...to more and more..until the takers outnumbered the makers..and then we would be doomed.

And thats exactly what has happened.

We now have it where ONLY 47% of the country are working, and then they have work to support 53 % that arent.

Over 53 % of this country get some sort of govt aid now..either housing, food, utilities, medical, cash and even phones. Some get ALL OF THE ABOVE.

And if that wasnt bad enough..we are now IMPORTING welfare reciepients everyday. More and more burden on the working people of this country.

Even as I typed this i saw that John Boenher just caved on immigration. Who would have ever guessed huh?

Does ANY OF YOU actually believe that these clowns arent all in cahoots?