Boy, after reading through all 7 pages of comments, I could have sworn I was listening in on a coaches meeting between Bret Bielema and Nick Saban on how to change the rules to stop a no huddle offense. Or better yet, an Obama campaign rally on how to end term limits. I've been on this site since the Brody Joe days but probably haven't posted more than 300 post. I don't get much out of giving a thumbs up or a smiley face for every topic I click on just to run up my post count. Do I still qualify to be on a team?

I agree it hurts a team if someone signs up knowing they are not going to hunt. But some sign up and just have bad seasons. If you have a guy on the team not having any luck, invite him to go with you and let him kill one of your birds. It will build friendships and help your team in the process. Or don't and see your score affected and lose. It's all just for fun right? LOL

Good luck to ya

4NA Row