Originally Posted By: BrentM
So they set the limit at 5 cause they really don't want people to kill more than about 3? I can't really get my head wrapped around that.
Whoever set the season limits "way back when" evidently felt like spring gobblers were expendable to the point that he gave Alabama the most liberal limit of any state in the union. He had sense enough to make it illegal to shoot hens as well. Seems to me like it has worked beautifully.
Maybe, just maybe they set the limit at 1 per day to keep some yahoo from cutting down on a flock of early spring gobblers and killing 2 and maiming a couple more for the coyotes all in one fell swoop. That makes perfect sense to me

Reread my post. I was talking about the one per day making it harder for folks to kill 5. Folks can cut down on or maim birds regardless of the limit per day. It makes perfect sense to me. I'm sure the State and Auburn are doing their turkey study just to waste money. wink

Good luck this season guys and gals.

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